Leveraging AI and Machine Learning in Data Processing

Leveraging AI and Machine Learning in Data Processing

Let robots and artificial intelligence work with your data!

Leveraging AI and Machine Learning in Data Processing

Leveraging AI and Machine Learning in Data Processing

Do you need to process data without a defined structure? Text, images or video? We can create a solution based on artificial intelligence that can take care of it faster and more reliably than a human.

Contact Us Sample References

Leveraging AI and Machine Learning in Data Processing

Leveraging AI and Machine Learning in Data Processing

Classification of Text Content

Classification of Text Content

We create robots who work with text documents. We can teach them to recognize the content, emotions or type of information processed with high accuracy and then to work with the information according to your requirements.

Classification of Audiovisual Data

Classification of Audiovisual Data

We can create robots to check image and sound inputs for you and look for specific content or deviations from the desired state, in still images as well as in video and sound.

Linking Incompatible Systems

Linking Incompatible Systems

We can process external free format data in such a way that we understand the content. We can import it correctly into your system, so that it can continue to work with the data.

Data Monitoring, Analysis and Evaluation

Data Monitoring, Analysis and Evaluation

We can continuously monitor many data sources and analyze and evaluate it in real time. Based on pre-defined rules, we can evaluate the current state and, if necessary, trigger subsequent actions if your criteria are met.

Infrastructure and Technologies

Infrastructure and Technologies

We can create solutions based on a wide range of technologies and we provide custom server infrastructure for these solutions. We also have our own infrastructure ready, which you can immediately start using for your project and your needs.

Comprehensive Administration and Long-term Support

Comprehensive Administration and Long-term Support

We feel a responsibility towards clients and the apps we have created, and we don't think our work ends with the launch. We take care of our clients long-term and help them on their path to success and achieving their goals.

Sample References

We understand different types of data. For our clients, we can analyze text and understand its content, recognize content in images, and we are sure we can help you, too.

Leveraging AI and Machine Learning in Data Processing - Bezrealitky.cz

The most successful real estate portal facilitating sales directly from property owners

Project details
Leveraging AI and Machine Learning in Data Processing - Adol.cz

A convenient tool for monitoring properties, auctions, foreclosures and insolvency claims

Project details

Our Clients

Our clients include both smaller local companies and the largest players on the market. No matter the size of the client's company, we strive to create websites that will meet their goals.

Nám. Republiky 28
301 00 Plzeň
Czech Republic
ID: 28006402
Tax ID: CZ28006402